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Tempat asal: | JIAGNSU, CHINA |
Nama merek: | HUISEN |
Nomor model: | HS-FN |
Kuantitas min Order: | 300pcs |
Harga: | $0.6-1.8/pc |
Kemasan rincian: | Tas anyaman |
Waktu pengiriman: | Menurut kuantitas |
Syarat-syarat pembayaran: | T/T, Western Union |
Menyediakan kemampuan: | 800 pcs per hari |
Fitur: | Asam Resistance | Paket: | Tas anyaman |
Nama Produk: | Warna: | putih | |
Bahan: | ABS | Laju alir: | |
Cahaya Tinggi: | nozzle filter air,nozzle filter plastik |
Mushroom type / Umbrella shape ABS Filter Water Cap Filter Nozzle In White
Material: ABS polypropylene has reasonable structure, firm connection, high pressure bearing strength, unchangeable gap, good use effect, and can prevent the outflow of anion and cation resin, and ensure the water demand flow.
Product Description: backwash filter cap includes drain cap and filter cap, including long type, super long type, plum blossom type, mushroom type and tower type. All of them are made of ABS engineering plastics or stainless steel, with reasonable structure, firm connection, high pressure bearing strength, unchangeable gap, good use effect, and can prevent the outflow of anion and cation resin, and ensure the water demand flow. It is suitable for filter water backwashing system, combined softened water quality, gravity type, pressure type, return type, ion exchanger and other water treatment equipment.
Common specifications: 0.25t, 0.5T, 1T
Product Detail
The long handle filter head is commonly used in the backwash water distribution system of filter water;
The short handle filter head is used for single water backwashing, gravity type, pressure type filter tank, ion exchange filter bed and other water treatment equipment.
The filter head cap is used for advanced purification of urban drinking water and industrial water. The filter head cap is a high-grade purification material in the production of mineral water. The filter head cap can effectively remove COD, pigment and odor toxic substances from the water.
The filter head is not only suitable for drinking water treatment, but also for beverage, printing and dyeing, swimming pool and other industrial water places. It can also be used in industrial wastewater and domestic sewage treatment projects.